2011-10-13 09:15:57 UTC
Now it could be that there's an "office" phone number on Courtney
...since "MU" keeps making the preposterous claim that he's not
Courtney Brown,
Never claimed Mu was not.Courtney Brown,
you feel empowered.
Never said MU was, never said MU wasn't... hinted MU was, hinted MU
wasn't... round and round she goes... so diabolically clever tee hee.
Let's see if "MU" is willing to take this to the next level,
I have voicemail.You still need to email me this request, so that I know it's really MU
requesting this instead of it being yet another EternalSeptember
clone, before we can continue...
And that means you using polscb @ emory. edu, to email me, to
guarantee it's really Courtney making this request. See? I can be
clever too, tee hee.
BTW, still waiting for you to *publicly* say "Jesus is Lord" on
YouTube. Why the hesitation? LOL
Courtney seems like such a nice guy. Quite the Jekyll and Hyde thingy
you got going with the MU persona ;-)