2016-08-02 23:47:03 UTC
PP 26-27 of hardback: Harry received an owl from the Ministry of Magic summoning him to a disciplinary hearing for having cast a Patronus Charm (in front of a Muggle and in a Muggle populated area) in violation of the rule against underaged wizards using magic out of Hogwarts. 3 years earlier, Harry had received a warning letter for using a Hover Charm, and it wasn't even him! In DH, Harry receives confirmation that the MoM can detect magic done around underagers via the Trace, but can't tell who did it! Hence, if ANY magic is done near Harry when he's at "home", HE (being the ONLY wizard at Privet Drive) gets the blame!
P 47: Several Order of the Phoenix folks come to rescue Harry. A witch does the "Lumos" spell.
P 53: Tonks does magic to pack Harry's trunk, clean Hedwig's cage, and move his trunk. These spells were done near Harry. Why didn't the MoM detect that magic and send Harry some more nasty letters?
P 47: Several Order of the Phoenix folks come to rescue Harry. A witch does the "Lumos" spell.
P 53: Tonks does magic to pack Harry's trunk, clean Hedwig's cage, and move his trunk. These spells were done near Harry. Why didn't the MoM detect that magic and send Harry some more nasty letters?