Loose Skin after Pregnancy
(too old to reply)
vidiya sharma
2012-06-18 13:04:45 UTC
Most women do not even give attention to their probability of having
loose skin until they have reached their third trimester of pregnancy.
It is only when they see thin, purple or red lines popping out across
their abdomen that they realise the downside to pregnancy in terms of

Read full article visit at www.onlymyhealth.com/loose-skin-after-pregnancy-1339608879
2012-06-19 00:47:38 UTC
Just trying to generate a bit of action in the group. :D

In article
Post by vidiya sharma
Most women do not even give attention to their probability of having
loose skin until they have reached their third trimester of pregnancy.
It is only when they see thin, purple or red lines popping out across
their abdomen that they realise the downside to pregnancy in terms of
Read full article visit at www.onlymyhealth.com/loose-skin-after-pregnancy-1339608879
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