Post by RCI just finished reading The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Gailbraith, the
pseudonym for J.K. Rowling. I am still reeling with surprise at who
done it! If you love mysteries, read this book! I'm not surprised this
book is so great. I think PoA is the best of the Harry Potter series
and that is a mystery too. JKR just may have another blockbuster
series on her hands.
Yes, when I heard the news it occurred to me that most of the Harry
Potter books are in essence detective stories (or 'mysteries', as they
used to be called!)
So it makes much more sense for her to go into this sort of thing than
"The Casual Vacancy" -- I wonder why so much effort was put into
promoting the latter instead?
Incidentally, does the title refer to the calling (career) or calling
(song) of the 'cuckoo' (presumably someone out of place)?
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